Find a car rental in Paris

Rent a car between individuals or talk to a professional? There has been no shortage of options in recent years and each option has its advantages and disadvantages. But which one to choose according to your situation?

Renting a car to individuals

In recent years, more and more private individuals have made their vehicles available to other people to enable them to make their journeys with peace of mind. If car rental between individuals could not be very advantageous at the beginning, it is now competitive and allows you to make some savings on the total budget of your trip. Platforms such as allow you to be in contact with individual rental companies to facilitate your procedures. On both sides, the operation of these platforms is quite simple. For rental companies, it is enough to enter the main characteristics of the vehicle, the rental price per day and their geographical location. Those who wish to rent then only must choose from the people closest to their place of departure. Each person who wants to rent can target his research according to several criteria: type of car, price, characteristics, equipment... For a lessor, the more detailed the description, the better his chances are to be contacted for a rental of a variable duration.

Rent from a professional

For a car rental in Paris, many people always choose the more classic option of the professional car rental company. These brands are numerous and have the advantage of having a national and reassuring coverage. Another advantage: people who want to rent have a very limited risk of facing a scam, unless they come across an unscrupulous landlord. Renting from a professional is also very easy. Many brands now offer online booking to guarantee a lower total price. When booking the vehicle, simply fill in the information on your permit and the rental at the counter becomes much faster than before. This option can be advantageous for those who want to save time and rent well in advance. Be careful, however, the rates charged for a car rental by a professional are higher than the rental option for private individuals. Remember to book well in advance if you want to get great prices. Also be wary of the additional insurance offered and check that the options are not offered in your own insurance, especially if you do not plan to make a very long trip.

The importance of insurance

Enjoying a cheap car rental in Paris can be very advantageous but car rental between individuals can be frightening because of insurance. Many people still believe that rentals between private individuals do not benefit from insurance unless the lessor is insured for damage caused by third parties. Nothing could be further from the truth... if you use specialized and verified rental platforms. These platforms are also popular with individuals because they have built-in insurance for most of the damage that could be caused during the rental of the vehicle. These insurances are included in the rental price. For owners, this insurance does not impact their personal bonus and does not cover the cost of repairing accidents caused by third parties. The person who rents is insured against accidents, theft and fire. Any damage caused to the vehicle must be paid within the limit of the deductible.

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