Car rental between individuals

A vehicle is not necessarily a complete expense item: it can also become a source of income for its owner, via car rental between individuals. This new practice is made possible by specialized websites that allow supply and demand to meet, and also to organize and facilitate the service by taking care, for example, to include specific car insurance. You can check for more about private car rental.

Specialized sites for car rental between private individuals

It is possible to rent your private vehicle on specialized websites. It is this intermediary who connects landlords and tenants. To rent a car, the procedure is simple since the owner only needs to write a description of his vehicle and specify the periods during which it will be available for rental. As soon as an individual selects the car he wishes to rent, its availability differs according to the operators. This can vary from the box installed on board the vehicle to control the opening of doors and starting, to the handing over of keys for a more direct link between individuals. It should be noted that without an intermediary, it is forbidden to rent a car to a private individual.

Rent your car to make it profitable

Car rental between individuals is a win-win exchange of good practices for both parties. A small wheeler finds in the rental of his car a way to make his investment profitable, in order to finance car maintenance or car insurance for example. For the tenant, it is the possibility to benefit from a cheap car rental; while having a wider choice of vehicle, location and availability times than when renting a car from a professional rental company.

A specific car insurance for car rental between private individuals

Theft, accident, traffic violations.... Renting a car to an individual involves certain risks. In the case of car rental between individuals, it is not the owner's car insurance that comes into play in the event of a claim when the vehicle is in the lessee's hands. The website includes a car insurance policy in addition to the rental contract, which replaces that of the owner of the rented car. The cost is thus borne by the tenant, since it is included in the operator's commission. The subscription of this specific insurance is therefore automatic and mandatory for each car rental between individuals.

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